Tuesday, August 31, 2004

The day of the donkey, how much longer?

I am seriously considering changing from Democrat to Republican.  I am aware that this action may cause Grandpa, God rest him, to turn over in his grave, but perhaps his spirit will be less offended by knowing that the Democrats are no longer the party of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman.  The Democrats have become the home of nuts, flakes, bigots, and traitors.  I can't imagine anybody of good will toward America liking Kerry, let alone voting for him.  He is not qualified to order a hamburger at McDonalds.  "I want a hamburger. No, I want a Big Mac.  No, I want a Filet of Fish."  Then when the food comes, "I didn't order that, I ordered Chicken McNuggets."  If Kerry gets elected, I am going to be VERY AFRAID.
So tomorrow I may pick up a voter registration and take the big plunge to the party of the elephant.
George W. Bush, four more years.


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