Sunday, October 31, 2004

Thought for the day

All politicians lie, but their voting records don't lie.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

thought for the day

They jump on their horse and ride off in ten thousand directions at once, and then they wonder why we're confused.

Friday, October 29, 2004

thought for the day

They jump on their horse and ride off in ten thousand directions at once, and then they wonder why we're confused.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Friday 22

6 am 40 degrees, frost. We missed fall.

Friday, October 22, 2004

sea food

You see it, you inhale it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

It depends

Clinton to campaign with Kerry in Pennsylvania. It all depends on what you mean by "vote Democratic".

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Prop 64

Limits on private enforcement of unfair business competition laws. This looks good for limiting frivolous lawsuits against business. Yes for now.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Prop 1A and 65

1A yes, 65 no. Argument against 1A says it prevents the Legislature from lowering taxes. Since when has the Legislature ever wanted to lower taxes? LOL Schwarzenegger likes 1A. Voter guide has no argument in favor of 65.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

More about X-type prizes

Burt Rutan: Building 'Tomorrowland' One Launch at a Time

Burt Rutan: Building 'Tomorrowland' One Launch at a Time
Time traveling back to when he was 12 years of age, Rutan recalls a seminal moment that triggered his yearning about space travel. In 1955, Walt Disney took television viewers into Tomorrowland – a series of Disneyland presentations that included rocket genius Wernher von Braun detailing space travel in matter-of-fact prose. Those TV shows also talked about floating in weightlessness, lunar exploration, as well as the potential for life on Mars. “It influenced my life like you wouldn’t believe,” Rutan recalled. Those television airings came before Sputnik in 1957, the selection of America’s first astronaut corps, and the flight of the Soviet Union’s Yuri Gagarin – the first human into Earth orbit. “And we’re sitting there amazed throughout the 1960s. We were amazed because our country was going from Walt Disney and von Braun talking about it…all the way to a plan to land a man on the Moon…Wow!”
Another notable Rutan quote:
“IBM didn’t know in 1975 that they were going to build $700 dollar computers for people and that they were going to build them by the tens of thousands. But then came Apple,” Rutan said, “and they had to.” That being the case, Rutan made another prediction: “Lockheed and Boeing will be making very low-cost access to space hardware within 20 years. They just don’t know it yet…because they’re going to have to.”

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Political burnout

By now I'm done with the campaign and ready to vote and put an end to the blabbering. Everything that can be said has been said.


I didn't watch it last night because I'm done with Kerry's lies.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Kerry's sister

Captain's Quarters, information about her interference in Australian affairs and US foreign policy. Why does ANYBODY support Kerry for president?

Reason: Tripped Up: Joel Miller's Bad Trip kills the government's anti-drug buzz. A Reason interview

Prop 68 and 72

Gambling stuff. I decided no on both.

Christopher Reeve Dies at 52

MOUNT KISCO, N.Y. (AP) - "Superman" actor Christopher Reeve, who turned personal tragedy into a public crusade and from his wheelchair became the nation's most recognizable spokesman for spinal cord research, has died. He was 52. Reeve died Sunday of complications from an infection caused by a bedsore. He went into cardiac arrest Saturday, while at his Pound Ridge home, then fell into a coma and died Sunday at a hospital surrounded by his family, his publicist said.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Prop 72

Requires employers to provide health insurance. Does not look good. Higher business costs passed on to consumers. Discourage business investment, more bureaucracy, higher taxes, unknown fiscal impact. Vote no on this one.

a thought

A communist is someone who believes Marx. An anti-communist is someone who understands Marx.

Quote of the day

My imaginary friend thinks you have a problem.

sing along

Oh them Vlassic pickles, oh them Vlassic pickles...

More stuff

Text messages shorter limits, email allows longer messages. Can save text but not email. Email doesnt count against phone message free limit. Maybe new paragraph works with email. Update: it does.

liveblog test

This has been a test of livebloging by cell phone while watching Fox News Watch. No notes, no TiVo. Blogers rule.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Cameron kids Kerry

Cameron kids Kerry. Foot in mouth disease. From Fox News Watch.

Newspaper endorsements

Does anybody care? Blogs are where the action is. From Fox News Watch.

ABC memo

Says Kerry and Bush lie, but ABC should trash Bush. Unbiased NOT. From Fox News Watch.

Belmont Club

Prop 67

Phone tax increase for emergency rooms. Yes, there is a hospital crisis. No, taxing telephones won't solve the problem. The medical profession needs to fix their financial malpractice. Vote no.

Friday, October 08, 2004


Bush won, no question. Kerry's logic was...What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

Prop 61

Bond issue children hospitals. Do it for the children so they grow up to higher taxes? Vote no.

Thursday, October 07, 2004


An attempt to discover what happens when an irresistible force (offense) meets an immovable object (defense).

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Prop 70

Tribal gaming compacts. Undecided.

Prop 71

Stem cell research. Research is great, but not to the tune of $6 billion in tax money. Vote no.

Prop 60A

Sale of surplus property to pay off bonds. Yes.

Prop 60

Political parties' election rights. Probably yes. This one seems like it wouldn't make much of a difference one way or the other. I'd like some figures from past elections showing how this law might have changed the outcome.

Prop 59

Sure I want elected officials to be accountable to the public. Vote yes.

Prop 1A

Protect local government funds from state raids. Vote yes.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Transcript of vice presidential debate here

Measure I

This will extend a half-cent sales tax increase for transportation from 2010 to 2040. As a rule, I don't support extending tax increases, but this is an exception to the rule. Our roads are in terrible shape, and overcrowded. Measure I requires the funds be spent on improving transportation. The alternative is to wait for help from Sacramento...and wait, and wait, and wait...

Vice presidential debate

Didn't see much of it tonight, what I did see was Edwards rehashing Kerry's lies and vague plans, so I don't think I missed much. Scary Kerry: "Global test"...YIKES!!!

Election news

Sample ballot came yesterday. I'll be looking over the propositions and reporting soon. About propositions, I ask some questions: Is there a problem? Is the proposition likely to solve or alleviate the problem? Is the proposition likely to be cost effective? If yes, then I might vote for the proposition. And here's a useful URL for California voters.

Monday, October 04, 2004

God rest Gordon Cooper

Yahoo! News - Gordon Cooper, NASA Mercury Pioneer, Dies: "LOS ANGELES - Gordon Cooper, who was the youngest and perhaps cockiest member of the original seven Mercury astronauts and set the space endurance record that helped clear the way for the first moon landing, has died. He was 77."

Sunday, October 03, 2004

God speed Burt Rutan

Yahoo! News - SpaceShipOne a Flight Away From $10M Prize: " SpaceShipOne a Flight Away From $10M Prize 26 minutes ago By JOHN ANTCZAK, Associated Press Writer MOJAVE, Calif. - SpaceShipOne is one flight away from clinching the Ansari X Prize, a $10 million award for the first privately developed manned rocket to reach space twice within 14 days. SpaceShipOne was scheduled to be launched Monday in an attempt to reach an altitude of at least 328,000 feet, or just over 62 miles, for the second time since Sept. 29."

Saturday, October 02, 2004

The Galvin Opinion

Taglines Galore Random Taglines

Taglines Galore Random Taglines: "Hummingbirds are nature's way of teaching humility to cats!"